Our Ethos

Seeing the world of work with renewed insight and raised consciousness is, we believe, an essential foundation in the organisational leadership journey. Our programmes and interventions therefore have at their heart a commitment to develop such self-awareness.
Using a range of leading theoretical frameworks, practical approaches and methodologies we help leaders and managers identify and connect their own values, personal impact and sense of purpose to the organisation’s goals and drivers enabling real performance improvement, individual and organisational benefit.
Our reputation is built firmly on our strong practical application of these principles. We are deeply committed to our own ethos – ever conscious of the trust placed in us as advisors and facilitators – and we are driven by our own desire and sense of purpose for increasing organisational performance through effective leadership development and learning.
Those Leaders, managers and professional who engage with us report that they experience a ‘real shift’ in their thinking. They demonstrate a new sense of purpose for their role, their own development and feel better equipped to lead and manage in the service of the organisation and its stakeholders.
Prescience enables leaders, managers and professionals to deliver significant results through more thoughtful, skilful and self-directed action.